Monday, May 6, 2013

Digital Citizenship inside an Elementary setting

Digital citizenship is simply about "teaching users the rules of good citizenship online; this usually includes email etiquette, protecting private information, staying safe online, and how to deal with bullying, whether you're a target or a bystander" ("American School in London"). As a future teacher, I want to be in an elementary classroom, specifically in grades 1-3. I believe Digital Citizenship is extremely important to teach students how to use technology and the internet safely. This project involved using Prezi to be able to answer five questions that were provided. Those questions can be seen inside the presentation itself. Enjoy!

Works Cited can be found here


  1. Very well put together prezi. Simple and to the point!

  2. Love the prezi! Could have had a little more pictures and videos, but other than that it was solid.

  3. Good job on your Prezi, just make sure your text doesn't go out of the circles, it can sometimes be hard to read. Very well put together, maybe next time add some pictures or videos!

  4. Lindsey, I love how you lay your blog out! It is very to the point and there is no beating around the bush! Fantastic! Your prezi is informational and very well laid out! I love the template that you chose for the Prezi! It if very well laid out and shows that digital cizitenship is the new bright idea! ;) Your blog shows how willing you are to work with technology and adjust to anything new that comes your way!

  5. Very nice prezi. It was well put together and I liked the video and link to the website.
